Flower Prints

User’s guide

Can be dangerous for either, looking far older or far younger then you are  … either you fall into the traditional side and end up customized as a wall paper or into “the good girl” mode .. 

Your target here, get it quirky and modern to asset a trendy style.

Piece of detail:

We’re talking about the full flower print, that one which embrace the whole item!

Of course you can find it with more discrete touch, which will be as mentioned more discrete, but is that what we really want, half way between becoming the staple or the ordinary? 

Jupe plissée Valentino


The print covers only a part of the skirt

Jupe imprimé fleur Dolce & Gabbana

Dolce & Gabbana

Print “all over”

How to pick your flower print?

Prints catch the eye and the attention on where you wear it … 

Pay attention to your silhouette 

If you are an A shape, prefer it on your top this will visually balance the volumes.

If you are a V shape, you can easily go for skirt and pants.

If your an X or H shape, all is allowed!

If you are an I, no limits either, even better this will enhance your silhouette! You can even afford the suit, you’d look extremely great in it ! Only advise don’t choose the prints too big , they would intend to wolf you down. 

If you are an O, a wrap dress will sublimate your most beautiful curves. 


Let’s talk about flower size for the prints

Careful with XXL flowers like Petunia , Massiv Roses etc, those would burden and jeopardize all kind of silhouette. 

Smaller flowers, like Daisies and Myosotis or even bundles will make us all agreeing and are appropriate for each shapes. 

However the way you are, flower on your assets and you’ll make an ace.

If you have a pretty neckline, let the flower prints plunging in there.

To the long fine legs, get them surrounded by a flower prints mini skirt.

Flower printed chandelier earrings would enhance your graceful allure so would flowery sandals dress one’s lovely feet. 


Surely you got the hint right? 

Which kind for which season?

The Cliché , which, for once gets it somehow true, is to wear flower prints in Spring or Summer. 

These are in tune with those seasons and you know how much being aligned with seasons  worth it. 

Spring flower prints usually are pastels and perfectly represent it. 

In summer, though, flower prints tend to be more pastoral (idyllic) for a Boho romantic style or , on the s-other hand very bright marrying tropical flowers and flashy colors like green, yellow, orange..

However, you can still wear flower prints over any seasons.

I’m thinking about the shirt with small Liberty prints which would fit even better during Autumn or Winter, under a round neck sweater, for example.

A shirt with faded colored flower prints with a black background, featuring Rock Romantic style, suits Autumn very well too.

The Kooples introduces and show them off very often in its Winter’s collections.

On which item to focus?

Typically, flower prints will add character to any. 

To avoid going over the top: 

  • If the piece is a state-of-the-art, small flower prints are recommended. 
  • If you d rather like big flower prints, pick then a more understated (plain) cut. 

Clothes with flower prints

To way to be distinguished :

Flower prints onto a tiny piece

The tiny pieces are : tops, blouses, shirts, skirts, shorts.

To obtain your best look, think about the direction you would like to pinch and build your outfit around accordingly.

It is about a shoulder strap top with little flowers, step the vintage side up with a flare jeans and a pair of leather slippers. 

About a cotton voile blouse with romantic prints, adopt the boho fully by associating it with a used denim short and some wedge sandals in crochet. 

Is it a mini skirt, flower prints with a black background, make it look Rock by wearing (hobnail) boots , studded boots and a perfecto.

Flower prints onto a big item

Big item visually takes up space: dresses, pants , suits, jackets… 

This one is he key player of your outfit.

The goal will be to mellow it and lead to an outfit full of character, seamless, far from any sort of kitsch.

The idea is to combine it with sobriety items using basics for example.

Flower prints jackets remain the upmost, whatever kind they are, blazer, coat or bomber jackets,  it just requires a bit of confidence. 

Ideally, you would mix them with neutrals accessories (hand bag, scarf, foulard).

Imprimé fleurs


Pay attention to the material!

They are the routers.

Polyester creates a cheap looking appearance at the flower prints.

So can be stretch material in that propective that it can distort the pattern.

Emphasize more in material like silk and viscose that will give depth to the colors. 

For the tops, rather select vaporous fabrics, blouse in silk, viscose, cotton popeline.

Flower prints accessories 


Any of those are the best option for you if you re innovative but in your simplicity.

EBOOK The Magic Wizard : Boost any of your outfits develops the theme about your level of originality.

Define it precisely and identify in which one of these 3 categories you find yourselves to know what kind of flower prints you are at and up to. 

You are now convinced to avoid shopping mistakes and ready to wear the items you just bought. 

Your style is more precise, smooth and stable because theres a proper consistency thanks to your well known level of originality being your guideline. 

Therefore if you re level of originality is based on simplicity, printed accessories will allow you to boost your outfits without betraying your simplicity. 

Lots of options appeal to you with scarf, handbags, belts or shoes. 

How to wear flower prints?

The styles  

There are lore likely to fit to all styles. 


They highlight plain and basics.

Danger zone though, as mentioned they can quickly “grandmothering” you when too traditional , also remember about the wall paper customizationing, flower grows fast and easy to loose control sometimes … add an ultimate feminine’s touch or shift it. 


Flower print is the supercharge of Casual-chic outfits.

On top of your masculine pants and your blazer, put.


  • What styles of outfit should you wear your floral print with?
  • What colors should you pair your floral prints with?
  • What is Liberty print?
  • How to create really stylish outfits with your floral prints?
  • How to vary the combinations for different outfits every day?
  • Stylish outfit ideas whatever your age!

Find the rest of this article in the EBOOK “Matching colors like a pro”.


*These are images for which the sources could not be identified on Pinterest.

If you are the author, feel free to contact me to add the credits.

Header picture credit:
The Kooples